Protection of the territory, expansing and enriching of kinds of plant, greening area in territory of garden, take care or maintenance of plant species, organization of protection of rare and endangered plant species
Turning the garden into a convenient recreation center with a unique nature, ensuring the leisure time of the capital's residents and guests
Continuously prepare a plan of actions to improve the current activity of the garden and ensure its prospective development.
Providing the laboratories with the most contemporary equipment, strengthening the infrastructure in order to raise the level of gardening work.
Development of integrated control measures based on the latest high efficiency against diseases and pests to organize plant protection.
Implementation of programs that systematically ensure the participation of the staff of Dendrology Garden PLE in international conferences and seminars.
Regularly organizes seminars, conferences, trainings, promotes horticulture and plant breeding or cultivation by Dendrology Garden PLE.
Establishing mutual relations with state and local government bodies, international and non-governmental organizations, other legal and natural persons