Today is 8 March, International Women's Day

March 8 is celebrated in the world as International Women's Day. Historically, it is related to the protection of the rights of laborer women, the education of women, and the struggle to have equal rights with men in society, but over time, today it has become a holiday that expresses respect and love for women and values them as the embodiment of elegance.
This day was recorded for the first time on 8 March, 1857 in New York with the social demand action of knitter women. In 1910, at the international women's conference in Denmark, it was decided to celebrate this date as "International Women's Day".
The remarkable day was celebrated in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark in 1911, and later in other European countries.
On 8 March, 1975, it is a holiday that was also formalized by the United Nations.
 The tradition of celebrating of 8 March in Azerbaijan created in the 20s of the last century.
Altruistic Azerbaijani woman played a historical role made great sacrifices and  in preserving our national and moral values for thousands of years and passing them on to future generations, in gaining independence of Azerbaijan, in the war for our territorial integrity.
During the 44-day Patriotic War, which ended with the great victory of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani woman showed great skill both of the in front of and the behind of the front.
The Azerbaijani woman is not the disenfranchised Eastern woman of 150 years ago.
Today, thousands of Azerbaijani women, including the First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva, work in state structures and in the fields of science, education, and healthcare.
 Azerbaijan has entered a new stage of development. We believe in that in the new stage, the Azerbaijani woman will be remembered for her activity in social-political, socio-economic, educational, scientific and cultural spheres and will achieve great success. This year's March 8th holiday is celebrated for the first time in the whole of Azerbaijan. Therefore, we are indebted to our martyrs and veterans, mothers who gave birth to them. On this dear day, we warmly greet the mothers of martyrs and veterans, wives of veterans, and express our infinite gratitude to them.
Happy holiday, darling ladies! We wish your good health, new successes in your personal and professional activities!

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