An internal clean up event was held in the capital

In accordance with the decision of the Executive Power of Baku City, a city-wide internal clean up event on cleanliness and landscaping was held on the territory of Baku city on April 2 in accordance with the spring season.

 With the participation of the employees of the Executive Power of  Baku City, the parade, which started in the morning, covered all districts of the capital.

During the clean up event, the municipal services of the capital washed avenues and streets, sidewalks, pavements , railings on the side of the road, facades of a number of buildings, and seats in parks and recreation areas in the city.

Many places, kiosks and bus stops, trade places and other places located in clean up, as well as along avenues and streets, were washed and the surroundings were cleaned.

The employees of shops, other places were activated in washing the facades and windows of their places and creating orderliness in front of them.

  Also, collectives of enterprises, departments and organizations that joined the call of the Executive Power of Baku City, and residents of the city also took part in this event.

 Employees of the Greening Union of Baku City washed the dust and soil collected on the trees on the sides of the main highway and avenues, softened their bottoms, and pruned the dry branches of the trees.

 Due to the season, agrotechnical care was given to the trees and green areas, and natural fertilizers were given.

 At the same time, new trees, shrubs, and flowers suitable for Absheron's climate are planted in the city area, beautiful compositions are created from colorful flowers, green strips and lawns are renewed in parks.

The trees and greenery here were taken care of and cleaning work was done at the event held in the Central Botanical Garden and the Dendrology Garden in Mardakan.

 Executive Power of Baku City equipment of communal services washed the main streets and avenues with detergents and by the end of the day 545 streets were washed.

Additional cleaning works were carried out by the workers in the residential buildings, yards and residential quarters, around the container yards where household waste is dumped.

Clean up measures were held in all districts of the capital during the day, and all measures required to maintain the cleanliness of the city at the required level will be continued regularly.

Cleaning and landscaping works like this, planting new greenery will greatly contribute to the further landscaping of our Baku.

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