The Administrative Personnel of the "Dendrology Garden" congratulated the First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva

Dear Mrs.Mehriban! We congratulate your on International Women's Day and wish you good health, happiness and success in your future moves.

Azerbaijani women have always been distinguished by their courage, intelligence, understanding, culture and morality. The beauty, nobility, struggle and rich outlook of an Azerbaijani woman embodies in your face.

The attention and care you devote to the fields of culture, science and education indicates the richness of the inner world of the Azerbaijani woman.


 The main life principle of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev was service to the people. Today, under the leadership of the President of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the policy implemented in all areas is successfully continued along the lines defined by the Great Leader. You are the closest friend of the head of state in this case. The work you have done for the progress of our country and the welfare of our people is unparalleled.

The successful projects of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation under your leadership in the fields of science, education, culture, health, sports, and ecology serve the development of society and the well-being of our people.

Darling Mehriban Khanim, today Azerbaijan knows and loves you as a philanthropist and a noble person.

May be your healthy and live long! Happy holiday! 

Yours Sincerely, on behalf of the staff of "Dendrology Garden" PLE, Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Personnel, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Samira Baghirova

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