A round table dedicated to the theme "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" was held in Khazar region

On April 22, a round table on the theme "Year of Solidarity for Green World" was held under the initiative of the Executive Power of Khazar region and the organization of the "Dendrology Garden" public legal entity under the authority of the head of the Executive Power of Baku City. In the round table was attended by the deputies of the head of the Executive Power of Khazar region, heads of departments of the of the head office of the region, representatives of the Khazar regional organization of the NAP, the “Dendrology Garden” PLE, the “Central Botanical Garden” PLE, the youth and sports sector of the Khazar region, Eco-park of Zira Cultural Center.   

Opening the event, Elshan Gurbanov, the first deputy head of the Executive Power of Khazar region, said that Azerbaijan supports initiatives to mitigate the consequences of global climate change. He noted that the declaration of 2024 as the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" announced in Azerbaijan by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, dated December 25, 2023, essential tasks are created in the society.

 Elshan Gubranov said that in accordance with the instructions of the head of the country, large-scale greening actions were carried out across the country, in the Baku city of capital, including in the Caspian region. According to him words, one of the five national priorities for socio-economic development of Azerbaijan until 2030 was defined as "Country of clean environment and green growth".

  "According to that priority, work is being done to improve the environment, restore and increase greenery, and ensure efficient use of water resources and sustainable energy sources. "Azerbaijan has set a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 35 percent by 2030, and by 40 percent by 2050, compared to the base year (1990)," he said.

Emphasizing that this year, an important event in our country - COP-29, the Conference of the Parties to the UN Climate Change Conference - will be held in Baku, the organizational chairman of the NAP of Khazar region, Namig Ahmadov, said that the society should be mobilized to eliminate the consequences of environmental problems.

Vice-Chairman of the Administrative Personnel of the public legal entity  (PLE) “Dendrology Garden” under the authority of the head of Executive Power of Baku City, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Samira Baghirova said that the global ecological crisis has already caused serious consequences. He noted that according to the report of the International Health Organization, the number of lung diseases has increased in recent years due to atmospheric pollution. "The main cause of the global environmental crisis and air pollution is the increase in the volume of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. As a reliable and responsible member of the international community, the Republic of Azerbaijan contributes to the fight against the consequences of climate change.

  Samira Baghirova noted that the staff of the public legal entity "Dendrology Garden" under the authority of the head of the Executive Power of Baku city also supports environmental projects conducted throughout the country.

 According to him words, on December 23, 2023 and March 30, 2024, a tree-planting action dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Nationwide Leader Heydar Aliyev was held in the territory of the Gala settlement with the joint organization of the "Dendrology Garden " PLE and the Executive Power of Khazar region. Hundreds of trees were planted in the action, and agrotechnical care was provided to the planted seedlings. On April 5 of the current year, a tree planting action was held in the yard of the Children and Youth Development Center No. 2 in Khatai district of Baku under the organization of the Dendrology Garden.

Associate professor, head of the "Food and Medicinal Plants" laboratory of the "Central Botanical Garden" PLE, Hasan Babayev, said that the work done in recent years in the direction of the restoration of the ecosystem and the transition to green energy in the country is commendable. According to Hasan Babayev, "Environmental problems know no borders", all countries should mobilize all their efforts to eliminate the consequences of global climate change.

  Elman Jafarli, an employee of the dendrology garden, chairman of the "Green World" Environmental Awareness Public Union, said that the global  ecological crisis has already reached the point of disaster. "The COP-29 conferences are actually an alarm signal for the international community about climate change. Azerbaijan supports international efforts to eliminate the global peripheral crisis. COP-29 event will be held in our country this year. The decree on declaring 2024 as the year of solidarity for the sake of the green world is actually a call to mobilize the society. In the last 30 years, considerable pollution of the environment has been observed in Azerbaijan. Armenians carried out environmental terrorism in Eastern Zangazur and Karabakh, which they kept under occupation. As a result of unplanned urbanization and labor migration, perennial trees and forest massifs have been destroyed in our big cities."

 According to Elman Jafarli’s words, who emphasized that essential steps have been taken in the direction of planting greenery in the Khazar region of the capital Baku in recent years, global climate change will affect every individual in this way: "People can be divided into social classes and live in different houses. But the air we breathe and the water we drink are the same. Therefore, the cleanliness of the air should make everyone think. That is why work should be accelerated in the direction of the transition from concrete Baku to green Baku, to carbon-free transport."

 Leyla Atayeva, an employee of the dendrology garden garden, laboratory director of the "Ecology and Acclimatization", presented a video-slide entitled "The role of dendrological gardens in the protection of biodiversity" and talk about the importance of botanical gardens in protecting the environment and maintaining global balance.

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