The winners of the essay contest "Heydar Aliyev and the nature of Azerbaijan" were announced

 To the essay contest "Heydar Aliyev and the nature of Azerbaijan" held by the "Dendrology Garden" Public Legal Entity (PLE) under the authority of the head of the Executive Power of Baku City releated to the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" and the 101st anniversary of the birth of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev among Khazar district schoolchildren. 

 In this regard, an awarding ceremony was held at Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev secondary school № 123, located in Mardakan settlement, Khazar district, Baku.  At the ceremony, Deputy Chairman of the           Management Staff of Public Legal Entity "Dendrology Garden", PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Samira Baghirova, Principal of Secondary School № 123 Sevinj Mustafayeva, Representative for Mardakan Settlement of the Head of the Executive Power of Khazar Region Ilgar Muqbilov, Chairman of Mardakan Municipality Mirbaba  Huseynov, schoolchildren and pedagogs participated.

 Firstly, the guests got acquainted with the "green exhibition" organized in the foye of the school. 

The exhibition consist of schoolchildren's paintings reflecting the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev's concern for nature, environmental defense and healthiness measures, was met with interest.

The Deputy Chairman of the Management Staff of Public Legal Entity "Dendrology Garden", PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Samira Baghirova talked about the works done by the Nationwide Leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev in the direction of environmental health, and the greening campaigns carried out during the reign of the Nationwide Leader: "Heydar Aliyev's  the main line of the environmental policy was the establishment of new forest massifs, the defense of water resources, and the greening of the capital Baku.

Until 1970, there were 3 thousand hectares of green space in Baku, and in 1982 this number reached 17 thousand hectares.  This policy of the great leader is currently being successfully continued by President Ilham Aliyev.  By the order of the President, 2024 was declared the year of solidarity for the sake of a green world in Azerbaijan.  Hundreds of thousands of trees are planted every year at the initiative of Mr.President and First Vice-President of the country Mehriban Aliyeva.  The goal of all this is to turn the capital Baku into a green city."

Samira Baghirova said that holding an essay contest among schoolchildren will encourage the formation of environmental awareness, the creation of a sense of care and love for the adapt, and the development of artistic creativity in them: "We chose schoolchildren as the target group for this reason. We believe that the formation of environmental awareness in the young generation should begin at an early age."

Sevinj Mustafayeva, the director of secondary school № 123, said that this initiative of "Dendrology Garden" PLE is useful.

Essay competition "Heydar Aliyev and the nature of Azerbaijan" is a very successful initiative. The development of Azerbaijan's statehood, economy, science, education, health care, environmental defense is connected with the name of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev.

 The Great Leader has always taken care of Azerbaijan's nature. The decisions he made served to protect the environment. The Great Leader urged people to plant trees, take care of them, and defend every tree and branch. He would talk excitedly about every tree that was fell, and he would say, "Whoever fells or cuts down a tree is like cutting off my arm."

 Ilgar Mugbilov, the representative of the Executive Power of Khazar region for Mardakan settlement, said that the green actions in Baku, which have been conducted in the capital in the recently, have produced effective results.

  "In the recently years, large tree-planting actions have been held in Baku, Absheron Peninsula, and Khazar region.  Caspian coastal areas have been cleared of household waste.  It is gratifying that voluntary schoolchildren also participate in this process.  I believe that mass planting actions and such educational events strengthen the feeling of caring for nature in the younger generation.

Schoolchildren participating in this competition will become scientists, teachers, and officials of the future. Such bring up conversations will leave a deep mark in their memory."

Bahar Rasulova, the biology teacher of school № 123, emphasized that nature competitions play an crucial role in the bring up of students.

Then the animated film "Let's keep the adapt clean, make our world beautiful" produced by the "Green World" Public Union, a video-slide showing the Great Leader's care for nature prepared by Bahar Rasulova, and a literary-artistic composition performed by the school's students were shown.

 Then the names of the winners of the essay contest held among Khazar district schoolchildren on the topic "Heydar Aliyev and the nature of Azerbaijan" were announced.  Elman Jafarli, an employee of "Dendrology Garden" PLE, said that about 40 students from 4 schools of Khazar region participated in the essay competition.  According to the decision of the jury of the contest, the articles that reflect the topic more artistically and have informative richness were awarded.

The essay of Gulshan Mirzayeva, a 10th grade student of Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev secondary school number 123, was the 1st. The essay of Khanim Guluzade, a 10th-grade student of the foreign language-oriented gymnasium named after Suleyman Rustamov, was awarded the 2nd place.

 The essays submitted by Shamsiyya Mammadzadeh, an 8th-grade student of secondary school №81, and Temkin Rzazadeh, a 9th-grade student of secondary school №183, were awarded the 3rd place.

 Prizes (money premiums), diplomas and special memorial gifts were presented to the winners.


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