A scientific-practical conference on "International Plant Health Day: plant factor in sustainable agriculture" was held at State Agrarian University

A scientific-practical republican conference dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the birth of National Leader Heydar Aliyev was held at Azerbaijan State Agrarian University on the topic "International Plant Health Day: plant factor in sustainable agriculture".

The conference, organized by the State Agrarian University, was organized by the Plantation Organization and Monitoring Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Safety Agency, Agrarian Services Agency, Faculty of Agriculture of Ege University, Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Ministry of Science and Education, Lankaran State University and "Azerpambig ASK" LLC was realized with the partnership.

The participants of the conference held at the Ganja Heydar Aliyev Center visited the monument of the National Leader located in front of the Center and laid flowers in front of it.  Then, an exhibition of handicrafts of the students of Agrarian University was viewed in the lobby of the Center.

At the event, the National Anthem firstly was played, and then the dear memory of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev and the martyrs who died for the territorial integrity of our lands was paid tribute with a moment of silence.  A promotional video of Azerbaijan State Agrarian University was shown.

In his speech, Rector Zafar Gurbanov talked about National Leader Heydar Aliyev's attention and concern for Azerbaijan State Agrarian University (former Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute). The rector said that the attention and care shown by the National Leader to the country's only higher agricultural educational institution has been continued at the highest level by President Ilham Aliyev for more than 20 years.

Later, the Deputy Head of Executive Power of Ganja City Adil Taghiyev, Chairman of the Agrarian Policy Committee of the Milli Majlis Tahir Rzayev, Rector of the Baku Higher Oil School Elmar Gasimov, Head of the Plantation Organization and Monitoring Department of the Ministry of Agriculture Imran Jumshudov, Director of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry Alovsat Guliyev, Agrarian Services  the chairman of the agency Sardar Hajiyev, the head of the plant health and risk assessment department of AFS, Eldar Mustafayev, the rector of Ege University, Najdat Budac, made speech.

The conference continued its work in sections.

The conference was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Management Staff of "Dendrology Garden" Public Legal Entity, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Samira Baghirova and other employees of the institution Shabnam Ashrafova, Hokuma Mehraliyeva, Firuza Mustafayeva, Aybaniz Hajiyeva, Jamala Aghayeva, Gulshan Hasanova. 

Certificates of the State Agrarian University were presented to the employees of "Dendrology Garden" PLE.

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