International scientific-practical conference dedicated to “Year of Heydar Aliyev” was held

On 22-24 June of 2023 with the organization of The Ministry of Science and Eduation of the Republic of Azerbaijan Botanical Institute local and foreign scientists  with participation of both International scientific-practical conference in the theme  “Modern approaches in studying plant world” dedicated to “Year of Heydar Aliyev” was held. Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Personnel of the “Dendrology Garden” Public Legal Entity Samira Baghirova and colleagues Hijran Atayeva, Shabnam Ashrafova, Leyla Atayeva’s article “Linum usitatissimum L. type’s bioecological characteristics and usefulness” and thesis “Dendrological and dendrochronological research of the Republic of Azebaijan the Hirkan National Park” were published in conference materials. In an article “Linum usitattissimun L. type’s bioecological characteristics and usefulness” it is noted that formation of new innovative thoughts in agrarian sector is in a list of nowadays’ actual problems.

The noted in article that in the direction of agriculture and preserving ecological balance continuous steps are taken both in state’s policy and on a global scale. This development should fully cover human resources demand and also play a role in keeping ecological balance. Coverage of demand should overtake of nowadays’ intensive development from economic point of view and should be less costable from financial view. Fastest growing global population comes alongside with new researches in agriculture due to limited of elements especially water which are vital for agriculture. Cultivation of less costable, more productive, decorative and also of food and industry importance is one of the main aims put in front of us.

But in a thesis “Dendrological and dendrochronological research of the Republic of Azerbaijan the Hirkan National Park” is noted about works done in edificator types that dominate forest ecosystems of Hirkan flora. It is noted that scientific missions were organized to the Republic of Azerbaijan the Hirkan National Park that is a nature’s museum and observations and dendrochronological researches were done in a territory and samples were taken from older varieties. It is noted that in the results of monitorings that were held in the Hirkan National Park on 500-600 m above sea level Parrotia C.A.Mey types decrease and main components Quercus castaneifolia C.A.Mey and coupirus comcansa varieties are lower tiers were observed. Alongside with this in an area different varieties of types Pterocarya Kunth, alnus subcordata C.A.Mey, alnus bonbata C.A.Mey and one by one Ulnurs L. came across. According to modern technologies and TSAPwin program during research median and yearly indicators of main climate factors that affects type most, central meteorological stations information were comparable analyzed with varieties’ indicators, approved and diagrams were built. It is noted that during a research ecosystems were evaluated, dendrochronogical analyses of older and minor varieties were held and future prognosis was given for them.

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