Azerbaijanis celebrate the holiday of Sacrifice (Eid al-Adha)

Today is Eid al-Adha in Azerbaijan.

Already the fourth year, the people of Azerbaijan celebrate the holiday of sacrifice in the lands liberated from occupation.

President Ilham Aliyev congratulated the people of Azerbaijan and all our compatriots living outside the country on the occasion of the Holy Feast of Sacrifice, a symbol of unity, equality and brotherhood of the Islamic world, and conveyed his most sincere wish and dreams.

According to the rulings and Shariah rules on the holiday, it is obligatory for the pilgrims who perform the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca to sacrifice. In other places, it is considered a Sunnah practice for people who have the means to sacrifice, and distributing the sacrificial meat to the poor and needy families is a great reward. Usually, a sheep is preferred for sacrifice. However, goat, cow and camel can also be chosen for sacrifice.

According to Sharia rules, the sacrificed animal must be healthy and fit for slaughter. Sick, emaciated and deformed animals are not considered suitable for sacrifice. Usually, animals that have reached a certain age are slaughtered. Goat and sheep should be about one year old, ox and cow should be more than one or two years old, and camel should be five years old. According to the Sharia, it is crucial to slaughter the animal with its face extended towards the Qibla and mentioning the name of God with the intention of sacrifice.

The sacrifice is mainly divided into three parts: one part is recommended to be given to the victim himself, the other part to the poor and needy families, and the third part is recommended to be distributed to relatives as a gift.

According to Sharia, the sacrificial animals slaughter can continue for three days starting from 16 June. Eid prayers will be offered in mosques. The night and day of Eid al-Adha is when prayers are accepted.

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