It is Chairman (incumbent) of the Management Staff of "Dendrology Garden" PLE Samira Baghirova's birthday

  It is the birthday of Samira Baghirova, associate professor, PhD in biology, deputy chairman of the Management Staff of the "Dendrology Garden" Public Legal Entity (PLE) under the authority of the head of the Executive Power of Baku City.

Ms. Samira, who has devoted her life entirely to scientific creativity and the enlightenment of the young generation, is the author of about 100 scientific articles, 1 monograph, and 1 book. Her new scientific ideas, effective and interesting proposals have always attracted the attention of local and international scientific organizations and the scientific community.

  Ms. Samira actively participates in social and political processes as a real intellectual and responsible citizen. S.Baghirova, a member of the New Azerbaijan Party, stands out for her loyalty to the ideas of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.

 Distinguished by her high principles, business acumen and political literacy,  S.Baghirova always supports the political course and challenges of President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva, which lead Azerbaijan to development, and tries to spread Heydar Aliyev's political ideas among the youth.

The great Azerbaijani thinker Nasiraddin Tusi said about science and scientist: "Scientist's happiness is science and culture."

 Ms.Samira, who has achieved scientific achievements at a young age, has a great reputation among the scientific community, and who has won the love of the collective she leads with her high human qualities, is also happy in this regard.

Dear Ms. Samira! We congratulate you on behalf of the staff of "Dendrology Garden" PLE, we wish you great success in your professional and scientific activities, and great success in your difficult and responsible duty.

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