It is the birthday of Leyla Aliyeva, the vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation

Vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, initiator of the "Justice for Khojaly" campaign, goodwill ambassador of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), chief coordinator for intercultural dialogue of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum, chairman of the Azerbaijani Youth Organization in Russia (AMOR), Environmental. It is the birthday of Leyla Aliyeva daughter of Ilham, the founder and chairman of the International Dialogue Public Union for the Protection of Human Rights (IDEA).

Leyla Aliyeva was born on July 3, 1985. In 1989-2000, she studied at secondary school number 160 in Baku. In 2000, she graduated from high school and entered the European Business School. In 2006-2008, she studied at the master's level of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Since May 10, 2007, she has been the head of the Russian representative office of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, and since 2011, she has been the vice-president of the Foundation.

Leyla Aliyeva, as the vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, pays great attention to those who need care and assistance the most. She traditionally spends her birthday with the children she cares for and helps tirelessly. It provides assistance to elderly people, children deprived of parental care, refugee and internally displaced families.

In addition, Leyla Aliyeva directly participates in many projects in the fields of education, health, sports and culture. AMOR, headed by Leyla Aliyeva, has become the most active and influential youth structure in Russia. The geographical space of the organization is constantly expanding, the number of events held under its auspices is increasing. Under the leadership of Leyla Aliyeva, AMOR works actively to familiarize Russian residents with the history and culture of Azerbaijan. At the same time, young Azerbaijanis who are members of AMOR do not forget their roots and feel close ties to the Motherland.

Leyla Aliyeva founded "Baku" magazine on December 19, 2007 in Moscow. She is the initiator of the "Justice to Khojaly" campaign, which started on May 8, 2008. For more than 13 years, within the framework of this initiative, events and actions have been held all over the world - from Europe to America - that serve to convey the truth about the Khojaly genocide, which is one of the most terrible events in recent history. Leyla Aliyeva's active activity within the campaign made a great contribution to exposing the aggressive policy of Armenia against Azerbaijan and created an opportunity to reveal the real face of the invaders.

In July 2011, he was awarded the "Progress" medal by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, for his services in conveying the truths about Azerbaijan to the world community. In November 2011, she was awarded the "Key to life" honorary award for his active participation in humanitarian actions in New York. On September 12, 2012, she was awarded the medal "For services to the Astrakhan region". On April 5, 2013, Leyla Aliyeva, the founder of IDEA, was awarded with a special international honor award "For environmental protection".

It should be noted that at the initiative of Leyla Aliyeva, the founder and head of IDEA Public Union, dozens of yards were improved and put to the use of residents within the framework of the "Our yard" project.

Since its establishment, millions of trees have been planted in the country with the support of the Union. Leyla Aliyeva is also the initiator of the "School Gardens" project, which combines social and ecological projects.

During the first action of the project, 100 almond, plum and pomegranate trees were planted in the yard of one of the Baku schools with the participation of Leyla Aliyeva.

In addition, on December 20, 2013, Leyla Aliyeva was awarded the Order of Saint Melaksima of the III degree "Princess Olga" and the medal "For services to the Volgograd Region".

In May 2015, Leyla Aliyeva was awarded the title of Goodwill Ambassador of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization for her contribution to fighting hunger, ensuring food security, increasing the efficiency of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and creating healthy food systems.

On October 20, 2015, she was awarded the "Pushkin" medal.

On September 28, 2016, by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, she was awarded the "For Services" medal of this higher school.

Leyla Aliyeva is also a creative person. She writes poems and paints. In addition, she was the executive producer of the film "Ali and Nino", as well as directed the film project "Baku, I love you".

Let us inform you that Leyla Aliyeva is the mother of two sons and one daughter.

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