Research is being conducted on 6 types of drought-resistant lawn seeds in the Dendrology Garden

One of the consequences of global climate change is the problem of drought and salinization. For this reason, in the world and in our republic, preference is given to plants that require less water. Employees of the "Forest Ecosystems" laboratory of the "Dendrology Garden" public legal entity are also conducting research on lawn plants that are widely used in greening, resistant to environmental changes, and less demanding.

6 types of lawn seeds (Lolium perenne, festuca rubra rubra, festuca arundinacea, festuca rubra trichophylla, festuca rubra commutata, pao pratensis) brought from the territory of Ighdir (Iğdır), Türkiye, are planted in the experimental areas of the garden and are being observed.

The seeds are delicate, oblong in shape, yellow-light brown in color. The weight of 1000 seeds is 20-25 g. For sowing, 0.5 kg of seeds were sown in a 1:1 ratio on an area of ​​2 m².

Within 3-5 days, the seeds gave initial sprouts, and within 2 weeks, growth of 6-7 cm was observed. Although the amount of sprouts showed variability, it mainly changed between 70-80%.

These seeds, which do not require special care, are resistant to the climate of the Absheron peninsula, and give high germination if regularly watered. Although there is no special planting season for seeds, it is more appropriate to sow them in spring and autumn.

Experiments are ongoing on the environmental sustainability of these lawn seeds, which are used in gardens and parks, sports fields.

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