Major repair works are being continued in Dendrology Garden

Under the authority of the head of the Executive Power of  Baku City, large-scale landscaping and construction works are being continued in the territory of the public legal entity "Dendrology Garden".

In accordance with the repair-construction and restoration-construction plan, new trees were planted in the garden area and green strips were laid.

Special concrete paths have been created to facilitate the travel of visitors.

In addition, argotechnical care of plants is also carried out in the garden.

Cleaning of the garden area from bushes and dead trees continues rapidly.

In connection with the intensive development of the Dendrology Garden, the bottoms of the trees planted in the experimental areas are marked, irrigation works are carried out, poorly developed seedlings are replaced with new ones.

Necessary fertile conditions are created for cultivation and maintenance of planted new tree species in accordance with agrotechnical regulations.  

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