Basic construction works in Dendrology Garden are going on fast

Under the authority of the head of the Executive Power of Baku City, large scale landscaping and construction works are being continued in the territory of the "Dendrology Garden" public legal entity (PLE).

The Dendrology Garden in Mardakan settlement, which has a total area of ​​12 hectares, has about 600 species of plants, including 363 species of trees, 106 species of greenhouse, more than 34 species of herbs, and 53 species of various flowers.

Many species of 141 species of trees and shrubs included in the "Red Book" of Azerbaijan are defensed in the collection areas of the garden. The array collection areas located on 8 hectares of the area can be considered a national treasure as an example of landscape architecture.

In the discussions led by the Deputy Chairman of the Management Staff of the public legal entity (PLE) "Dendrology Garden", PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Samira Baghirova, the strengthening of the scientific potential of the enterprise and the improvement of the work of the staff were highlighted as priority issues.

In order to enrich the base of plant resources, the experimental areas of the Dendrology Garden were planted with various soil and climate features grown in the country and imported from abroad (Elaeagnus x ebbingei 'Gilt Edge', Kniphofia uvaria "Poco yellow", Photinia glabra Maxim., Callistemon speciosus Sweet., Photinia), fraseri “Red Robin” Pyramidalis, Pennisetum x advena “Rubrum”, Berberis thunbergii DC., Nerium oleander “Little Red”, Pennisetum villosum R.Br., Berberis thunbergii “Aurea”, Pyracantha crenulata M.Roem., Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei), essential oil and other plant samples have been planted and it is planned to carry out scientific-research investigations in this direction.

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