Specialist of "Dendrology Garden" public legal entity was awarded certificate

With the financial support of the Youth Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Khazar Youth House, and the joint organization of the Department of Youth and Sports of  Baku City, the training "Role of citizens, youth, road users in urban mobility" was held.

More than 40 official representatives (Azerbaijan Land Transport Agency-ALTA, State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads- SAAAR) as well as Lala Nasirli, an employee of the "Ecology and Acclimatizaton" laboratory of the public legal entity "Dendrology Garden" participated in training.  

The trainers informed about the importance of developing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, the need to prioritize accessibility and public transport, to create an environmentally friendly urban environment, etc.

Arzu Suleymanov and Khagani Taghiyev presented a certificate to the participants who successfully completed the ongoing training on 14-15 August, 2024.

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