In the “Dendrology Garden”, the research is continued fundamental species of food, industrial and medicinal related to with rich essential oil

Employees of the laboratory "Plants of Agricultural Importance" carry out research on species of food, industrial and medicinal related to with rich essential oil, acclimatization of new varieties on the Absheron Peninsula, and extraction of essential oil from them.

 Specialists Citrus reticulata Blanco.  (tangerine deaf early), Citrus x pyriformis (Limon panderosa), Citrus Limon L.Osbeck.  (local lemon), Citrus x meyeri Yu.  Tanaka.  (meyer lemon) lemon and tangerine, Melissa officinalis L (Medicinal watermelon), Lavandula angustifolia Mill.  They are continuing their research work on (True Lavender) species.

The species were planted in pots in open conditions in July, and phenological observations were made on them.  New leaves were observed in the plants.  On Citrus L. (Limon.), which is the research object, 9 out of 20 flowers gave fruit.

 In the first ten days of April, the first sprouts were obtained from the seeds of Melissa officinalis L. (medicinal melon) planted in the open field at a depth of 1-1.5 cm.  Germination was percentage  70-80.  It was determined that the optimal temperature of 10-14 °C is necessary for the germination of seeds.

Lavandula angustifolia Mill. (real lavender) type is planted in the open field with a distance of 5-10 cm and buried with a depth of 3-4 cm.  In the spring, the height of the sprouts formed from the stems was 5 cm.

Are take cared regularly agrotechnical care to species.  The morphological and physiological characteristics of the species are investigated, dynamics of development are monitored.



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