A public discussion was held on the state of implementation of the "Law on Waste"

On 12 September, a public discussion on the state of implementation of the "Law on Waste of the Republic of Azerbaijan" was held at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources under the organization of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations.

 Officials of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Economy, "Tamiz Shahar" OJSC (Open Joint-Stock Company), State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations, heads of 40 NGOs operating in the country and public representatives took part in the event.
Aygun Aliyeva, executive director of the State Support Agency for NGOs, stressed that the ecocide caused by Armenia's occupation in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur for many years is a cause for concern. Recently, citizens have been spreading information on social networks about pollution of nature and dumping of waste in those regions.

Giving to the importance of public condemnation, A.Aliyeva talked about the importance of NGOs being active in this matter.
Mehman Nabiyev, sector head of the Environmental (Ecological) Policy Department of the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, convey to the preparation of a strategic document on waste management.

According to him, the document will be implemented first in Absheron, and then gradually in other places.
Elman Jafarli, an employee of the "Dendrology Garden" public legal entity, the chairman of the "Green World" Environmental Awareness Public Union, who participated in the event, presented his suggestions on waste management to the relevant institutions.

At the event, extensive discussions were held regarding necessary additions and changes to the Law on Waste, creation of a working group, preparation of proposals, proposals of NGOs were heard and questions of interest to the participants were answered. 

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