Today is Memorial Day in Azerbaijan

27 September is the Memorial Day of our heroic martyrs who lost their lives in the Patriotic War, which was started in order to prevent military provocations and military activity of Armenia against Azerbaijan, and to ensure the safety of the civilian population.

 On 27 September, 2020, the brave Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev launched counter-offensive operations along the entire front in order to prevent military provocations and combat activity of the Armenian armed forces, and to ensure the safety of the civilian population. The 44-day Patriotic War ended with Azerbaijan’s victory both on the battlefield and at the political table.

 All this was achieved at the valuable of the blood of 2908 martyrs of the Azerbaijan Army.

The ancient and eternal lands of Azerbaijan, which were under Armenian occupation for many years, were liberated. Thus, the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was restored. Currently, restoration and reconstruction works are being carried out in the liberated areas, as well as ensuring the return of people to their homes.

Related to the 27 September the Memorial Day, the central and local executive power structures organize a number of events across the country, as well as commemoration ceremonies are held outside our country.

On Memorial Day, our martyrs are remembered with deep respect in religious temples – mosques, churches, and synagogues operating in Azerbaijan. Prayers are read for the souls of the children of the Motherland who died for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

At 12:00 o’clock, the dear memory of the martyrs is commemorated with a minute of silence.

Today, the heroes of the Patriotic War are remembered with gratitude in the republic, great respect is paid to the souls of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the restoration of the territorial integrity of our country.

It should be noted that according to the decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated 2 December, 2020, 27th September is celebrated as Memorial Day in Azerbaijan every year as a sign of deep respect for our soldiers and officers who fought heroically in the Patriotic War and sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of our country, as well as all our martyrs.

May God rest in peace to our martyrs!

Şərhini yaz