October 5 is International Teachers' Day

October 5 is International Teachers' Day. This significant day has been celebrated since 1966 by the decision of UNESCO. In the same year, the organization adopted a recommendation document on increasing the status of teachers.

International Teachers' Day is a holiday of holy professionals who dedicate their lives to the luminous future of the people.

International Teachers' Day has been celebrated in the independent Republic of Azerbaijan since 1993. In our country, attention is paid to this day at the state level. "Each of us, regardless of our academic degree, knowledge, education level, owes all our achievements to the school and the teacher.

Each of us have a particle of the teacher's warm heart.

“I don't know a teacher as an honorable name in the world," said National Leader Heydar Aliyev during all the years he led Azerbaijan, he highly valued the work of teachers, treated them with great respect, and took care of improving the financial condition and well-being of educational workers.

The complex measures implemented in Azerbaijan in recent years related to the development of science and education, President Ilham Aliyev's inclusion of this field among the crucial principles of state policy, comprehensive care for education workers indicate the determination to see the future of the state more reliable and confident.

The steps taken in the direction of increasing the salary of educational workers, rewarding them, awarding them with honorary titles, and strengthening the social protection of teachers have further increased the prestige, reputation of teachers.

Happy holiday, dear teachers!



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