"Garden Ointment" preparation is applied in the green areas of the "Dendrology Garden" public legal entity

On the initiative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, one of the main directions of the work related to the development of the non-oil sector is the development of horticulture and fruit growing.

 Currently, along with the reconstruction of old orchards and parks, a lot of work is being done to create new intensive horticultural farms and greening areas in all regions.

 In autumn and spring, extensive preventive pruning works are carried out during the maintenance of gardens and parks. Pruning is the cutting of dry or under certain conditions green branches on the trunk of a tree.

Multibranching lowers the quality of firewood, weakens its growth and development. Pruning at the wrong time causes great damage to plants, resulting in yield loss and some diseases due to climatic conditions.

As a result of the global warming observed in recent years, increasing natural cataclysms (strong winds, hurricanes) make this problem even more urgent. In the places of breaks, cracks and cuts, the parts of the protective bark that ensure the integrity of the tree trunk are damaged to varying degrees, which in turn leads to the disruption of the general food chain of the plant.

While the damaged parts of some species recover quickly, in others, the regeneration process is delayed, so infectious diseases such as cancer, stem fungus, and ticks can occur. It is important to apply ointment to those damaged areas.

If small wounds with a diameter of no more than 2-2.5 cm heal relatively quickly, large wounds require treatment and the attention of the gardener. For this purpose, foreign, especially from the CIS countries, have imported means with different composition, but most of them do not meet modern requirements: although some of them have a good effect in winter, they do not withstand the heat in summer and melt. Some dry trees; and some have no positive effect at all. In this direction, the preparation "Garden Ointment" produced by Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan Experimental Industrial Plant LLC on the basis of local raw materials is relevant.

 In ecology and especially in horticulture, the research works conducted in the direction of rehabilitation of damages caused by natural and anthropogenic factors in tree trunks and branches were systemized and improved on the basis of experience gained abroad. "Garden Ointment" project with the partnership was proposed for the "Main Grant Competition-2022" grant announced by the "Azerbaijan Science Foundation".

 As a result of the joint activity, studies were conducted with the aim of reducing the diseases that can occur in the bark and wood of trees to a minimum level, and preventing premature drying as a result of the application of the garden ointment produced using local raw materials. With the production and application of garden ointment, it is possible to achieve healthy, long-lived, productive orchards and ensure food security in the country.

  "Garden Ointment" produced by Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan Experimental Industrial Plant LLC was used for pruning and pruning in the Dendrology Garden area. Wounds of pruned pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) and eldar pine (P. eldarica Medw.) were closed with ointment. During the research conducted in the "Dendrochronology" laboratory of the enterprise, garden ointment was applied while taking samples from the tree. Observations and researches were conducted in order to reveal the effect of the ointment on the plant.

 The obtained research graphs showed that there is an increase in the dynamics of development in the species. The "Garden Ointment" drug, used to seal the marks created during the pruning process, cuttings and dendrochronological sampling, played an important role in faster recovery of injuries and protection from pathogens.

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