A meeting was held in Executive Power of Baku City

 In the Executive Power of Baku City, a wide meeting was held in the Baku suburbs with the participation of the heads of the executive power of the capital districts, the executive representatives of the capital settlements and the heads of the city's economic services.

 Eldar Azizov, the head of the Executive Power of Baku City, said that as a result of the successful policy implemented by President Mr. Ilham Aliyev, our capital has risen to a new level of qualitative development, and the living and cultural level of the population has increased. Talking about the cleanliness of the central areas of the city, Eldar Azizov said that there are a number of problems related to cleanliness in the Baku suburbs and the main goal ahead is to bring these issues to the level of the central part of the city.

At the meeting, which took place under the conditions of strict demands and principles, the report of the monitoring carried out by the EPBC in the settlements was heard and the prepared video-film was shown.

During the discussions, serious remarks were made to the representatives of a number of settlements, as well as to the heads of the EPD, and they were instructed to prepare a plan of practical measures to eliminate the existing deficiencies. As a result of the discussions, a warning was issued to Nadir Muradov, the deputy head of the Garadagh EPD, and Hajibala Babayev, the deputy head of the Binagadi EPD.

It was assigned to the heads of the EPD of those districts to review the eligibility of the representative of the Garadag EPD for Mushfigabad settlement, Joshgun Bayramov, the representative for the Kyzyldash settlement, Huseyn Akhundov, the representative for the Binagadi EPD M.A. Rasulzade settlement, Zaur Gafarov, the representative for the settlement of Binagadi EPD, Mirzarauf Akhundov, the representative for the Khazar EPD Shuvelan settlement. Also, 1 month time was given to increase control over the area, keep cleanliness issues under strict control and eliminate defects.

At the same time, it was decided an international clean up event is holding  in the capital tomorrow, September 2.

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