Preliminary listening of the laboratories reports of "Dendrology Garden" PLE was held

A meeting was held with the participation of laboratory employees in the Administrative Personnel of the public legal entity "Dendrology Garden" under the head of the Executive Power of Baku City.

Presentation of reports and other issues were discussed in the meeting lead by Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Personnel of "Dendrology Garden", PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Samira Baghirova.

   In the meeting, employees of "Forest ecosystems", "Landscape architecture and systematics", "Dendrochronology", "Economically important plants", "Ecology and Acclimatization" laboratories presented their preliminary reports.

In the meeting, were discussed according to the scientific-research work plan  2023-2024, projects, research works, organization of business trips, as well as international cooperation issues.

Preliminary reports of the laboratories were presented in the meeting, tasks and instructions were given to them.

Then the services of garden were discussed.

Local and foreign business trips, as well as mutual projects to be implemented, were fully analyzed.

In the meeting, the logo of the public legal entity "Dendrology Garden" developed by graphic designers was discussed and approved.

Also, implementation of the project that is being prepared and will be essential for our republic was discussed.

In the end of the meeting, Samira Baghirova, Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Personnel of "Dendrology Garden" PLE, gave appropriate instructions to departments and laboratories regarding the implementation of relevant tasks and new action plans.

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