An agreement was signed between the Dendrology Garden and Lankaran Regional Science Center of ANAS

According to the research work plan of the public legal entity "Dendrology Garden" under the head of the Executive Power of Baku City in 2024, Mubariz Goyushlu, an employee of the institution's Department of “Strategic Development, International Cooperation and Project Management”, Shabnam Ashrafova, employees of the “Landscape Architecture and Systematics” Laboratory, Sevinj Yusifova, Leyla Atayeva, an employee of the “Ecology and Acclimatization” Laboratory, were  on a business trip to the Lankaran Regional Science Center of ANAS on October 27-31, 2023.

The employees of the Dendrology Garden were informed about the results of scientific research conducted in the Lankaran Regional Scientific Center (LRSC) of ANAS in recent years. Director of the Lankaran Regional Scientific Center, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Farman Guliyev said that research works related to tea, citrus and subtropical plants are traditionally continued at LRSC. Scientific and research works related to the tea plant attract special attention. It was noted at the meeting that the results of the analyzes carried out in the field of practice were sent for publication in the most modern journals in English and received a positive opinion.

Employees of the Dendrology Garden and the management of the Lankaran Regional Scientific Center exchanged ideas on conducting joint scientific research. The employees of the Dendrology Garden reported on the work done in accordance with the scientific-research work plan planned for 2024. It was noted that efforts are being made to ensure the introduction of citrus plants grown in the Lankaran Regional Scientific Center of ANAS in the territory of the Dendrology Garden.

Then, a cooperation agreement was signed between the public legal entity "Dendrology Garden" and the Lankaran Regional Science Center of ANAS. The purpose of signing the cooperation agreement is to determine the amount of seasons, genera and types of vegetation in the Lankaran region together with ANAS Lankaran Regional Scientific Center, research innovations, compile a complete list of flora elements, prepare a systematic overview of species and taxonomic spectrum based on APG III-IV systems; Determining the age structure of old plant specimens in the area, dendrochronological analysis, their certification as a natural monument, etc. such important points are reflected. It was agreed that within the framework of the approved scientific-research work plans of both enterprises, joint scientific-research works should be organized and implemented in accordance with the goals and tasks of the present agreement. The contract was concluded for 5 years.

After the meeting, the employees of the Dendrology Garden got acquainted with the experimental area belonging to the Lankaran Regional Scientific Center of ANAS, with the plants cultivated there and their conditions.

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