An international conference on ecology was held

With the support of the International Solidarity Group (ISG), Azerbaijanis living in Azerbaijan and abroad held an international conference in the online format called "Future development: environmental problems and their solutions". The organization of the conference involved the coordinators of BHQ representing various countries, including the Institute of Geography of the Ministry of Science and Education (Azerbaijan), the public legal entity "Dendrology Garden" under the Head of the Baku City Executive Authority (Azerbaijan), Smolensk Humanitarian University (Russia), Smolny University (Russia) provided organizational and moral support. In addition to Azerbaijan, MPs, scientists, public figures, representatives of state bodies, diaspora leaders, teachers, lawyers, journalists, political scientists, researchers from Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, Australia, Jordan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Poland participated in the event.

Mubariz Goyushlu, the chairman of the Modern Development Union, head of the Central Scientific Library of ANAS, teacher of Baku State University, spoke first about the activities of the International Solidarity Group, its coordinators from 20 countries, which has been operating for almost a year. According to him, the topic of ecology, what is happening in the ecological field should make everyone think. M.Goyushlu explained that environmental changes and anomalous natural phenomena affect everyone. Speaking about the importance of the COP28 event, M. Goyushlu noted that they welcome the fact that COP29 will be held in Azerbaijan.

MP Jeyhun Mammadov spoke about the importance of holding COP29 in Azerbaijan. He drew attention to the difficulties caused by climate changes. Emphasizing the importance of the activity of public institutions in this direction, J. Mammadov condemned the fact that Armenia still commits environmental provocations against Azerbaijan. Referring to the anomalous change of the climate, the deputy said that it causes consequences. He emphasized that he believes that BHQ will organize such important events in the future.

MP Jala Ahmadova emphasized that humanity does not fully understand environmental problems. J. Ahmadova explained that there are problems with the composition of food in addition to ecology. The deputy said that the environmental impact of industrial enterprises and cars is a serious issue. He drew attention to the protection of biodiversity and forests. Saying that our lands were destroyed by Armenians during the 30-year occupation, J. Ahmadova said that our state has done many things to eliminate this. The deputy noted the importance of punishments, fines, public condemnation for the protection of ecology.

Doctor of philosophy in political science, political scientist Ghalib Agha, who said that climate change affects many things, touched on the importance of everyone working together in solving environmental problems. He explained that the people of Azerbaijan, who won the war, have a strong potential, and that there is a serious need for proper use of these opportunities. He said that the International Solidarity Group will carry out serious work in this direction in the future.

Head of Department of ANAS Institute of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Turkish World Scientific Strategic Research Center, Mohammad Jabrayilov, said that this international platform is of great importance. He emphasized that climate changes, land and water problems are the focus of the world's attention

Zaur Imrani, executive director of the Institute of Geography of the Ministry of Science and Education, doctor of philosophy in geography, associate professor, said that they support the organization of this event. He described environmental problems as one of the biggest problems on a global scale. The scientist also spoke about environmental problems in our country.

Head of the Department of Economic and Political Geography of Azerbaijan at the Institute of Geography of the Ministry of Science and Education, Doctor of Geography Nariman Pashayev spoke on the topic "Ecological aspects of the impact of natural disasters on population settlement". According to him, environmental problems are the third in the world. He listed the challenges caused by global warming. The scientist noted that natural disasters such as floods, hailstorms, landslides and floods are increasing in Azerbaijan, more than 400 residential areas are under the threat of landslides, and damage of 30-35 million manats is caused every year.

Mirnuh Ismayilov, head of the department of landscape science and landscape planning of the Institute of Geography of the Ministry of Science and Education, doctor of philosophy in geography, spoke on the topic "Ecological problems of freshwater ecosystems". He said that fresh water ecosystems have become a serious problem, and Azerbaijan has few fresh water resources. The head of the department said that there are serious changes in the climate of Azerbaijan. M. Ismayilov emphasized that it is important to use local water resources sparingly and in a planned manner.

Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, head of the Public Union of Experts in Water Use, Amin Mammadov shared his impression about his participation in the COP28 event held in Dubai on December 4-9. He said that more than 120 countries, including Azerbaijan, have pavilions there, and they are receiving great interest. A. Mammadov said that they organized interesting sessions there. The speaker also voiced suggestions about the important things to be done by the civil society and Azerbaijanis abroad in connection with the COP29 event to be held in Azerbaijan.

Kheyransa Mirzayeva, a teacher of Russia's St. Petersburg State University, chairman of the national-cultural center of "Chinar" Azerbaijanis, said that it is important to carry out environmental education and awareness from childhood.

Anar Mustafazadeh, an employee of the Baku City Education Department, spoke on the topic "The state of environmental education in secondary education". He spoke about the importance of increasing attention to the issue of environmental literacy in Azerbaijani secondary schools and textbooks.

President of Australia-Azerbaijan Association Mikayil Oyta congratulated Azerbaijan, which will host COP29. M. Oyta spoke about the effects of climate change and the problems caused by artificial interventions, drawing attention to the education of children in this direction.

Joining the event from Yaroslavl, Russia, the chairman of the "Russian Azerbaijan Women" public organization, Khatira Gambarova, noted that the International Solidarity Group is actively working. Kh. Gambarova shared her views as a protest against the drying up of Lake Urmu in Iran and the emerging ecological problem.

Shakir Ganiyev, chief advisor of the Department of Environmental Policy of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, spoke about the work done by the institution he represents in the field of environmental protection.

Honored teacher Aydin Allahverdiyev noted that the impact of natural and geographical conditions on historical and social processes is poorly covered in textbooks. He said that a comprehensive approach to environmental protection is important.

Chingiz Nazarov, a representative of the Eco-Tes organization, emphasized that there is a great need for education, in addition to imposing punishment on those who damage the environment. He considered it important to benefit from the help of organizations donating on ecology in the world.

Ceyran Sattarova, a public figure who joined the meeting from the city of Antalya, Turkey, spoke about her pedagogical experience in high school and said that it is important to start environmental awareness in high schools. Touching on the forest fires in Turkey, C.Sattarova noted that programs are already being prepared in schools.

Tajira Mahmudova, an employee of the Department of Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of UN and Global Economic Organizations, emphasized that the COP29 events are expected to be held in territories freed from occupation. He said that in addition to Turkey, we received support from Romania, Hungary, and Poland in this process.

Crimean representative of "Russian and World Azerbaijani Women's Public Union" Gizgayit Gadirova, diaspora activist from Kiev, Ukraine, poetess Ataya Oder Akbarsoy shared their views on environmental problems.

In the end, the event participants emphasized the importance of continuing the work in this direction, the importance of the International Solidarity Group expanding its activities from 2024.

It should be noted that at the event, the head of the department of the Institute of History of ANAS, historian scientist Haji Hasanov, the chairman of the Society of Azerbaijanis Living in Pakistan Shahla Isayeva, employee of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, doctor of philosophy in philology Khayala Aghayeva, coordinator for Jordan, head of diaspora Zumrud Dadashova, Tajikistan-Azerbaijan Chairman of the Society Shaheddin Azimov, Rector of Smolensk Humanities University from Russia, Chairman of the National Congress of Smolensk Region, Member of the Public Chamber Faig Aliyev, Ulviyya Abbasova, Deputy Chairman of the National and Cultural Center of "Chinar" Azerbaijanis from St.Petersburg, Russia, Rena Huseynova, Executive Director of the Alliance Youth Center from Georgia, Sahib Musayev, Chairman of the National-Cultural Autonomy of Azerbaijanis living in Ruza District of Moscow Region, Fuad Huseynzade, Chairman of the Support Organization of Journalists for Diaspora Activities, Ilaha Huseynova, Ayan Gulizade, employees of the Department of International Relations and Youth Work of the State Committee for Work with Diaspora participated.

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