The annual reports of departments and laboratories of "Dendrology Garden" PLE were considered expectation

From December 11, 2023, the annual reports of the departments and laboratories were heard under the leadership of Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Personnel, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Samira Baghirova in the Administrative Personnel of the public legal entity "Dendrology Garden" under the authority of the Executive Power of Baku City.

At the meeting, the reports prepared in accordance with the individual work plan for 2023-2024 were presented by the head of the "Ensuring the protection and development of plants" department, associate professor Agil Gasimov, "Reasons for the mass reproduction of plant pathogens and pests in the area of "Dendrology Garden" in Absheron conditions, ensuring the protection and development of plants", Leyla Atayeva, head of the "Ecology and Acclimatization" laboratory, "Assessment of the ecological situation in parks and greening farms and research of sustainable species", Shabnam Ashrafova, chief specialist-laboratorian of the "Landscape architecture and systematics" laboratory, "Absheron Peninsula Systematic analysis of decorative species in parks and gardens and the perspective of their use in landscape architecture", leading specialist-laboratorian of the "Plants of economic importance" laboratory, Shenay Albaliyeva, "Economic importance of trees and shrubs grown in natural and cultural conditions and their use in various fields of industry", expert of the "Dendrochronology" laboratory - laboratory assistant Hokuma Mehraliyeva "Dendrochronological study of old and historical trees in the parks and gardens of the Absheron peninsula and creation of database in the electronic information system", leading specialist of the "Forest Ecosystems" laboratory Nijat Yarov "Research, monitoring and monitoring of some valuable trees and shrubs in the area of the Dendrology Garden has presented reports on the topics of "breeding".

The submitted reports were considered satisfactory, the points that caused questions were clarified, comments and suggestions were given and they were told to eliminate them in the future affairs, and relevant instructions were given regarding the execution of the affairs.

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