2024 was declared as the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" in Azerbaijan

President Ilham Aliyev signed the Order on declaring 2024 as the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Order was noted that the Republic of Azerbaijan contributes to the fight against the consequences of climate change as a reliable and responsible member of the international community.

About social-economic development of Azerbaijan until 2030 is defined as one of the five national priorities "Country of clean environment and green growth". In accordance with that priority, work is being done to improve the environment, restore and increase greenery, and ensure efficient use of water resources and sustainable energy sources. Compared to the base year (1990), Azerbaijan has set a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 35 percent by 2030, and by 40 percent by 2050.

Freed from occupation, Karabakh and East Zangezur, also the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, have been declared green energy zones. Environmental protection is a priority in the large-scale restoration and reconstruction process in liberated areas. In those areas, innovative approaches such as "smart city" and "smart village" are applied, and the ecosystem is restored. Creation of green energy types and transportation of green energy to world markets is the priority of Azerbaijan's energy policy. Azerbaijan aims to increase the share of renewable energy sources in the installed capacity of electricity production to 30 percent by 2030.

The 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change - the unanimous decision to hold a prestigious event such as COP29 in Azerbaijan is a sign of great respect and trust for Azerbaijan by the international community, as well as for our country's national, regional and global level of environmental protection, climate is an example of appreciation of his contribution to the prevention of changes. According to the Order, strengthen international solidarity in the global fight against climate change, 2024 was declared the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan should prepare and submit to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan within one month the proposals regarding the action plan regarding the declaration of 2024 as the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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