The employee of the "Dendrology Garden" public legal entity was awarded a certificate

Fatma Shahbazova, the lead specialist of the Forest Ecosystems Laboratory of the "Dendrology Garden" public legal entity under the head of the Executive Power of Baku City, Fabaceae Lindl, included in the "Red Book" of Azerbaijan in 1989. Albizia Durazz of the family. belonging to the genus Albizia julibrissin Durazz. (Lankaran Acacia or Silk Acacia) has carried out research work on the species.  The species has been introduced by seeds in the Mardakan Arboretum since 1945, and is currently being multiplied and protected in ex situ conditions.

Fatma Shahbazova's article "Determining the bioecological features of Albiza julibrissin Durazz. species in the Absheron territory" reflecting the results of her research was published in the "Nature and Science" journal of the Azerbaijan Science Center and was awarded a certificate.

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