The collective of "Dendrology Garden" Public Legal Entity visited the Martyrs' Alley

On January 19, the staff of the Public Legal Entity "Dendrology Garden" under the authority of the head of the Executive Power of Baku City visited the Martyrs’ Alley in accordance with the 34th anniversary of the January 20 accident.

 Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Personnel of "Dendrology Garden" PLE, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Samira Baghirova and colleagues paid tribute to the memory of our citizens who died for the freedom and independence of Azerbaijan and laid flowers on their graves.

Being a basis for nationwide mourning, the January tragedy also demonstrated the firmness of the Azerbaijani people`s will, and determination.   

  The January 20tragedy, which our people called Black January, is a sad day. Because on the night of January 19-20, 1990, the army units deployed in Baku by the illegal decision of the Soviet state leadership killed hundreds of our compatriots who fought for freedom. 131 compatriots were martyred, about 800 people were injured. The aim of the Soviet army and the imperial leadership as a whole, which committed bloody massacres in Baku and other districts of Azerbaijan, was to break the determination and cripple the will of the Azerbaijani people. The enemy wanted to bury the Azerbaijani people's desire for independence in the streets of Baku. But the opposite happened: that night, a new Azerbaijan was born on the stage of history. On that day, the whole world saw the unwavering determination of the Azerbaijani people, who stood alone in front of the "Evil Empire".

 In this regard, the January 20 accident is a turning point in the restoration of our state independence. It was after this that our people realized that the only way to salvation is independent state building.

Most of the children of the motherland sleeping in the alley of martyrs are young people who have failed in life. If they had stayed alive, they would have become fathers, grandfathers, mothers, and grandmothers today. Their children would live on in their name. But God gave them a higher status - Martyrdom. Today, our dear martyrs, who established an eternal throne in the hearts of 50 million people, have a trust called the independent Republic of Azerbaijan. The state of Azerbaijan, the people of Azerbaijan will always dear the memory of their children who sacrificed their lives for the country on a cold January night.

Today is January 20 and the souls of Karabakh martyrs are happy. The Republic of Azerbaijan is a strong state that has fully ensured its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

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